“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein
Just think about the time, effort and dedication that you put into proving that your partner was messing around on you or doing something wrong– that is A LOT of man hours. The more they worked not to get caught meant the harder you had to work and the more invested you became in finding them out. Imagine how successful you would be if all the energy, time and dedication you took to look through your partners phone, monitor who they were interacting with and being the I spy detective and master interrogator was focused on being a better you and achieving your goals. Where would you be if you turned that passion and curiosity towards yourself? How many times have said to yourself “damn I’m good, I should have been a private eye”? If you enjoy that kind of work and you have caught a few creepers– then maybe that’s your field. There is no shame because we all have been there at some point in our life.
That goes to show if you really want something you can get it. It just takes the same dedication you had when you were trying to catch that creeper. When you looked through their phone and saw no incriminating text messages, that was an obstacle but it just made you more determined. Even the stealth skills it took for you to slide on the floor to their side of the bed to retrieve their phone in the first place. So you found no incriminating texts, you then decided to look deeper and check the phone bill to see if the text messages were deleted so that you could *67 the numbers that looked suspect. You asked your partner numerous questions and if the answer did not sound right, you twisted it until they could not keep up with their story, they were exhausted and the truth was revealed. You did not quit– and you did this as your side gig and sometimes worked on it while you were at you job.
The point is, you have the time, dedication and determination to do what you want if you are truly invested in it regardless of the obstacles. You did not take someone’s word for it, you did your research until you were satisfied with the outcome, good or bad.
Turn that same energy, time and determination into a positive thing and make better choices for yourself, working towards your true goals in life regardless of the obstacles. Do not quit, and as always the choice is yours.
Jamillah Foulkes~Empower U
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