The blame game

If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month ~Unknown Author

There are multiple scenario’s and situations– too many to list, that can occur in your life where you can easily say it is ______’s fault– but is it really?

— _____ lied to me therefore….
— _____ caused me to lose my house therefore….
— _____ cheated on me therefore…
— _____ used to beat me as a child therefore…
— I did not get the promotion because _____…..

The question of the day:
Do you still blame others for the negative circumstances in your life today? If you are living, breathing, walking and talking at some point in your life you have wronged someone in your lifetime– intentionally or not. On the flip side we all have been wronged by someone else. Therefore if you are constantly blaming another for your life circumstances today, then you are constantly missing your opportunity to recover– and blaming them for that as well.

This is where the “but” is inserted in all your comments and thoughts. You have to dig deep and challenge your thought process for this one. What you are saying may be justifiable when it comes to the “who done it”, and what was done may indeed be someone else’s fault. You may not have seen it coming or had all the knowledge and information to make an impact at that moment “but” what is your role in rectifying it?

Things to think about in order to make better decisions today:

— how much time did you invest into getting to know someone’s character before you gave them your body and your heart?
— who is the only one that should be responsible for your shelter, food and clothing?
— your parents or guardian had legal control of you until you were 18 yrs of age– how old are you now?
— at what point in your life do you decide that you will do better for yourself?
— what are you doing to make a better life and choices for you today?

You cannot control someone else’s behavior “but” you have full control over your actions and thought process. There are many different circumstances that can break you. At what point do you stop focusing on the circumstances of your past and work on how to change your circumstance for tomorrow? You have all those answers, so what now what are going to do about it? Feel free to share and as always, the choice is yours.

When you spend time on the blame you forget about the recovery~Jamillah Foulkes~Empower U

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