Help yourself so that you can help others

There is no one more important than you right now. Not your kids, partner, parents, BFF. You cannot help anyone if you are not the healthiest you possible, you can only drag them along with you. Everyday you wake up wanting to do and be the best you possible yet everything on your shoulders continue to weigh you down. It is possible to get through anything but you have to set “me priorities”. It is no secret why the flight attendants say “if we loose pressure in the cabin put the mask on yourself first,” then help your children or others in need.

You get caught up with the words “I feel guilty” or you don’t want anyone to think you are being selfish. You put on a happy face then go out into the world and everyone wants to take from you because they have no idea about your daily struggles. All the sleepless nights or the self medication, using alcohol, NyQuil or whatever your medication of choice is will not help you to be best you possible. It only masks and numbs your situation. Get yourself in order so that you can pay it forward. You are no good to anyone if your mind is not at peace. Most importantly as I always say and will continue to say… Get those voices out of your head that make you feel obligated to do things for others that you have not done for yourself.

Today is the day to Empower U.

If there is a situation that you are going through that you would like me to a address inbox me or email me at and I will provide you with feedback.

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