Time and money is spent on your education so you can have a career. Time and money is spent at the gym so you can be physically healthy. However when time and money is mentioned to have a healthier mind, soul and relationships then you waiver.
The thing is everyone vents to their family and friends constantly when nine times out of ten they are having the same issues as you. The divorce rate in the United States is about 40 to 50 percent, that is if you even make it to marriage and the divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.
If you have children, the odds of them having mental, physical, educational and social problems decrease if they come from a happy, loving home. You do not have to be married but again the key is a happy, loving home whether you are married, dating or a single parent. If you are mentally stressed or exhausted your kids can sense it, at times even causing them to also stress.
It is important regardless of your status that you put in the same time and effort that you do for everything else in your life, to take care of your mental and spiritual health. What good is that career if you are having issues that you do not know how to deal with at work? You may not even be able to focus at work because you are stressing over relationships with your spouse, partner or family. What good is going to the gym to be physically healthy meanwhile you are having anxiety and panic attacks or nervous breakdowns because of life stressors?
If you are going to invest in you, then invest in all of you because your mind is what makes all the other things possible.