Tomorrow is not promised

We live each day like we are promised tomorrow. Being a service member thinking about 9/11, battle buddies that I have lost along with all my friends that have passed at such a young age, it fuels me to remind you that you have to live your life to the fullest. I am approaching 40 this year and I think about all the things I could have done right for myself if I knew better.

When I post on here it’s to get YOU to see how special you are. I want you to make changes in your life while you can. Don’t stay in a relationship that is not fulfilling to you. Don’t allow your family to disrespect you just because they have the title of mom, dad, aunt, uncle, etc… You cannot pick your family and you are always to be thankful and respectful to your parents for giving you life but that does not mean that you are to accept being treated as less than. Don’t hang around people you call your friend if there is no mutual respect.

Don’t wait until you are 40, 50 or even older to realize how precious and valuable you are. That is precious time wasted that you can never get back. Get Empowered today because you are not promised tomorrow.

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