Welcome to Embracing the Storm.
Helping parents embrace stability and support for themselves and their children as they face the storms of divorce, single-parenting and step-parenting.
Our Mission
To increase awareness and cooperation for individuals, families and businesses through effective coaching, training, public speaking and writing. Creating family everywhere we go.
Our Vision
Global Cooperation
Our Values
Honor God
Honor Family
Honor all aspects of a person; physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual
Highest Good for everyone
Health and Well-being
Embracing Diversity
Seeing everyone as a creator
Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?
We are all faced with the storms of life at one time or another. Some of the most difficult storms to weather are the ones involving family. When a family is faced with divorce and remarriage it can place a tremendous burden and strain on the parent-child relationship. During these transitions children often feel left behind or caught in the middle. Most children feel as though they have to choose, or worse that it is their fault somehow.
If you’re noticing an increase in any of the following behaviors:
- Back-talking or arguing
- Everything becoming a struggle
- Fighting/biting siblings or playmates
- Withdrawing or losing interest
- Frustration, angry tantrums or aggressiveness
How We Help
With the breakdown in the security they have always found in the family, or the challenges faced with establishing their new role in a new family setting there is more uncertainty than many children are equipped to handle without consistent parental guidance and encouragement. With the parent’s time consumed with their changing roles and additional responsibilities, finding even more time to devote to all of these new needs quickly feels overwhelming. Add to this the challenge for the children to figure out how this will work in two very different households instead of one—and you have the ingredients for trouble. If one of the parents is resorting to recruiting the children for fact finding on the other parent, you have the making for a very disastrous situation where the children are concerned. This one shift will take the emotional load they are already carrying as a result of the breakdown in the family and add massive amounts of confusion and self-blame to the mix that will only result in serious blows to their self-esteem. You will most likely begin to observe significant shifts in their behavior, attention span, degree of apathy and performance in school.
What we Deliver!
Insight, training, coaching and tools that focus on cooperation instead of compliance to help children emerge from these experiences with a solid grasp on:
- A Healthy Self-Image
- Self-reliance
- Empowerment
- Cooperation
- Wise decision-making
- Sense of purpose
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